We invite submissions based on original archival research as well as conference/roundtable reports and discussion posts. Peripheral Histories is particularly intended as a forum for postgraduate/early career researchers and we therefore welcome posts drawing on work-in-progress. Please contact the editors if you are interested in submitting a post and we would be happy to discuss your proposal with you.
If you have an idea for a series of related posts drawing on a particular project or addressing a particular theme or region, please contact us to discussion the possibility of guest editing the blog for a month.
All proposals should be directed to peripheralhistories@gmail.com
Posts should usually be between 1,200-1,800 words (please contact us directly re. possible exceptions). Every post is reviewed by two editors, who will contact you with any suggestions for revisions.
Where possible, please provide hyperlinks instead of footnote references. For any necessary notes, please follow the Chicago Manual of Style notes/bibliography style. A brief guide is available here: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html
Please use Library of Congress transliteration for Russian, or a standard simplified version appropriate to the particular language you are working in.
We encourage you to submit images along with your post. It is the responsibility of the contributor to secure permissions from the copyright holder. Please email the images as separate files with your text. JPEG, TIFF, and PNG formats all accepted. Captions and photo credits should be included with the image.
Please provide a short bio to appear at the bottom of the post, as well as links to your professional website and/or Twitter handle.
As of February 2023, we have had over 100 different posts published on our site from almost 90 unique authors based in 22 countries. The map below shows locations of the institutional affiliations of our authors (red dots). The map below also shows the topics of the posts with relation to modern countries (shading for frequency of posts per modern country boundary). We always welcome posts from these locations but would welcome more posts from the peripheries as well.